I wonder what it was that caused Zacchius to be so interested in Jesus. I wonder what he had heard. Maybe he knew of healing, teaching and large groups of people wanting to see the Rabbi named Jesus of Nazareth.
Luke 19:1-4 (msg) Then Jesus entered and walked through Jericho. There was a man there, his name Zacchaeus, the head tax man and quite rich. He wanted desperately to see Jesus, but the crowd was in his way—he was a short man and couldn't see over the crowd. So he ran on ahead and climbed up in a sycamore tree so he could see Jesus when he came by.
This picture of Zaccheaus makes me picture my kids at a parade. The excitement that builds as the crowd gathers. Being just short enough that stepping on your toes doesn't even give you enough of a vantage point. You can here the sounds of the parade coming closer. I am sure for Zacchaeus, it was the sound of the crowd getting louder as Jesus was closer to them and they called out their desires for healing and restoration in their lives.
Zacchaeus' curiosity will eventually lead him to places he couldn't have imagined. But, wonder with me for a moment what it was that had built up the excitement in him to begin with. Why did he want to see Jesus?
I wonder if we do that for Christ. Do we create a curiosity about our Savior that is so exciting that someone would climb a tree for just a glimpse of it? I wonder if our lives make people wonder about our God. I wonder if we leave the message of Jesus' reputation so admonishing that even the tax collectors of our society would want to share in a moment of it's glory.
Can our lives create the same excitement as a crowd waiting for the glorifying moment of seeing it's Savior?
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