Carry each other"s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2

Women of Worship is a group of men and women with a desire to express love for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We hunger for God's word, support one another in prayer and desire a closer relationship with Him.

Heather and I feel that God has put a genuine desire in our hearts to share His word with people. This blog is our attempt to get the Word of God to our friends in a practical and loving way. We are hoping to create a community of people that strengthen one another for the Kingdom of God. No matter where you are in your walk you are welcome here. Please feel free to share prayer requests, opinions, questions or anything that you feel led to say.

Monday, March 19, 2007


Day 1

I am so excited to be back in the word, not that I haven't read the last two weeks, but I love to study and learn new things. This week I am particularily excited because I kind of attach myself to the story of Ruth, more about that later, here is her story.


Her name means Friendship.

How cool is that? A name that describes the very core of a woman. Women long for friendship, they seek it and at times they challenge it. It is one word with a thousand emotions.

Her character is generous, loving and strong. She is serene, able to take unusual risks and deal actively with the consequences.

Her sorrow was losing her husband, homeland, and family.

Her joy was to discover firsthand the generous, loyal, and loving nature of God, as he provided her with a husband, a son, and a home to call her own.

Key Scriptures. Click here to read Ruth 2 - 4

Matthew 1:5 Salmon begot Boaz by Rahab, Boaz begot Obed by Ruth, Obed begot Jesse,

I am so excited I get to do this devotional on Ruth. She was one of the first women in the Bible that I ever learned about. As a new Christian, her story gave me hope and as a more experienced Christian, her story continues to show me that God is in every circumstance, He wants to orchestrate our lives so that we experience His love and mercy, so we have hope in the midst of any storm. Praise God.

Day 2

Kinsman - Redeemer-
Had Ruth and Naomi gone their own ways, Boaz would have never met nor married Ruth. She was a gem to him. He didn’t realize the rich blessing from God. Their son, Obed became the father of Jesse and grandfather of David. They became the great-grandparents of King David. They are mentioned in the genealogy of Jesus of Nazereth, who is, after all, our own great Kinsman - Redeemer. We have been united to Him, healing our sorrows, giving us a future full of hope.

Gleaning -An act of gathering leftovers that harvesters leave behind. It provided enough food for Naomi and herself. It was law that the leftovers be left available to the poor and aliens. Ruth fit both categories as a Moabite and no one to support her. (Leviticus 19:9; 23:22; Deuteronomy 24:19 - 22)This was a “welfare system” set up by Moses. It wasn’t a handout, because the poor still had to work for it. They would have to compete with the other poor and alien that were gleaning behind the harvesters, which made it hard to survive at times. Boaz ordered that the harvesters leave behind grain as Ruth followed, going above and beyond the Law. Because of his character, he became a “friend” to Ruth. Together, they became ancestors of Christ.

Praise God that he is in the small stuff, preparing an abundance of blessings in our future.

Day 3

Ruth 2

1. What is Ruth known for? What reputation goes with her to the field?
2. Describe this what this day’s work must have been like for Ruth.

Ruth 3

1. When Boaz was sleeping at the threshing floor instead of at home, was Ruth’s behavior immoral? What was she asking Boaz by her behavior?

Ruth 4

1. Who do you think was happiest at this wedding? Ruth? Boaz? Naomi? Why? The Wedding takes place in verse 13.
2. What does the outcome of this story tell you about God’s Providence, his divine guidance?
3. How have you experienced God’s Providence and his divine direction in your life?
4. After all of Ruth’s sorrows, what is her situation now?
5. Naomi’s restored joy is described, but nothing is said of Ruth’s. In your own words, describe what sort of joy Ruth must have been experiencing.
6. Think about a time in your life when your joy was restored.

Day 4

Her legacy of Prayer
Ruth 4:14 - 15

14 Then the women said to Naomi, “Blessed be the LORD, who has not left you this day without a close relative; and may his name be famous in Israel! 15 And may he be to you a restorer of life and a nourisher of your old age; for your daughter-in-law, who loves you, who is better to you than seven sons, has borne him.”

Reflect on Ruth 3 -4
Praise God for providing for those that have no one to provide for them.

Offer thanks for the way God has used other women, your mother or mother - in - law, your sisters or daughters, to provide for you.

Confess any tendency to compete with other women

Ask God to help you appriciate your own mother and mother - in - law and to give you a vision for the power of two women, linked by love and faith.

Day 5

Lift your Heart.

It is easy to assume the important women in our lives know how much we cherish them. But Mother’s Day cards and friendship cards, nice as they are to get and give, don’t always do the trick. We also need to verbalize our love sincerely and regularly. Don’t wait until Mother’s Day to treat those important women to tea or a leisurely lunch. Tell them how much they mean to you and how much you care about them. Be specific and make sure to make a mental note of all the good qualities that person possesses. You could make a book for that person decorate it with colorful stickers and stencils, record all the wonderful qualities and package it with scented soap, bath salts and candles, give it as a keepsake for her to treasure and use as a resource when she may need a self-esteem booster.

Father, I thank you for the women who have played such an important role in my life. Please bless each one in a special way today and help me find ways to express to them my love and gratitude.

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