Carry each other"s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2

Women of Worship is a group of men and women with a desire to express love for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We hunger for God's word, support one another in prayer and desire a closer relationship with Him.

Heather and I feel that God has put a genuine desire in our hearts to share His word with people. This blog is our attempt to get the Word of God to our friends in a practical and loving way. We are hoping to create a community of people that strengthen one another for the Kingdom of God. No matter where you are in your walk you are welcome here. Please feel free to share prayer requests, opinions, questions or anything that you feel led to say.

Monday, November 23, 2009


What has God given you to care for, be a steward of?

....the Xerxes who ruled over 127 provinces stretching from India to Cush (Esther 1:1)

I hope you don't mind as my letter is X this week and I will loosely use Xerxes as my example.

It has been on my heart lately to really see what it is that I have been given in this life. To stop praying for all the things I want and give thanks for all I have been given. You see, all of us have been given more than we deserve.

Romans 5:8 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us
We have so much: family, marriage, children, homes, cars.......... and with each we are given the responsibility, yes responsibility, to care and love and sacrifice for each. We are given so much because He first loved us.

Heavenly Father~ Your precious sacrificial love that continues to pour into my simple being....thank you, for all you are and all you continue to be to me. Lord, focus me on your glory and beauty this week and as each of us search for the things we say we are thankful for during this holiday season, may we remember You and all you have given and continue to forgive as we are all so truly undeserving. ~In Your Precious Holy Name.


Unknown said...

I feel as though lately God has forgotten about me. I am struggling through hard times. I am unemployed, single parent with a child. It seems that regardless of what I do, God seems to make it more difficult for me. I question, if I am truly a child of God, why then do I suffer so much.

Angela said...

WannabeVirginiaW I know how there are times in this life where we feel separated from God. Often times the hand we are dealt in this life is as far as we can see in this moment. Keep your faith, my friend and trust in His promises. He doesn't promise no pain in this life but an eternal life, here we may struggle but in His promises we find Joy.